by admin | Apr 20, 2023
Loved Andrew’s wonderful sense of humour and human approach.
by admin | Apr 20, 2023
This conference (with Andrew McDonnell) has given us hope. I’ve been dealing with staff who are persistent in calling/labeling everything as behavioural. This conference affirms to me my thoughts that it’s not behavioural all the time. There are many other reasons....
by admin | Apr 20, 2023
Ever since I participated in a Studio 3 course in Managing Behaviour of Concern, I have been totally convinced about the importance of low arousal and person-centred approaches, and to focus on providing positive skills and attitudes among the staff and carers who...
by admin | Apr 20, 2023
Dr. Andrew McDonnell was an outstanding presenter. I enjoyed his sense of humour. His presentation was practical and will help me to apply a more person-centered approach with clients, students and families.